
Showing posts from September, 2021

Lights, Camera, Action !

28 September 2021  L/O: To understand and practice using the principles of film making. Shot Type Establishing shot - i s usually a  wide shot  shows a lot of the setting for context. Master Shot -  is  a film recording of an entire dramatised  scene, start to finish , from a camera angle that keeps all the players in view.  Wide Shot - i s  a shot that shows the subject within their surrounding environment . A wide shot tells the audience who is in the scene, where the scene is set, and when the scene takes place. Long Shot -    is often times used as an establishing shot in a film, as it normally sets the scene and the character's place within it. This type of camera shot, shows the full length of the subject while also including a large amount of the surrounding area of the film setting. Medium Long Shot -  somewhere between a close-up and a wide shot, showing the subject from the waist up while revealing some of the surrounding environment. Medium long shot: somewhere  between

Skill Task Evaluation

 Album Cover Evaluation I chose to do my album cover as a 90's gangster rap album cover inspired by MF DOOM's Album.  Operation : Doomsday.  The Target Audience was Rebel Teenagers 14 - 18 years old who likes to skate. I wanted to do MF DOOM's Album Cover because it was unique and different, And as a MF DOOM fan, The album linked to his Genre of rap. Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? For my album cover, i researched what every rap album cover has in common and i found that most of the albums have: The Artist as the main picture They use dark grimy colours to fit the genre Specific Fonts - For example : Old school gangster rap would use a graffiti font to fit the genre The Layout would have name of the album in the top middle, have the artist in the middle covering 80% of the album and the artist name.    Q2. How does your media products represent particular social group?  For my Album cover i use

Album cover


Augustinas Cepulis

  My name is augustinas Cepulis and i like to play video games and listen to music all day, so i have somewhat of knowledge in media. In media, i would like to know how to edit, use filming and photo cameras properly and use music programmes correctly and produce music digitally. By the end of six form, i would like to know how to edit videos and photos, use music programmes and learn how to market like producing Album cover, posters and more. 

A Level Skills Development

 L.O/ To research, plan and produce a product in response to a brief  Album cover (Front & Back) Genre: Hip-Hop Most of the album covers have the main artist ( take pictures of myself ) 90's and Early 00's Hiphop Covers usually have black and white colour scheme or dull less saturated colours Late 00's starts to use more bright saturated colours to make the album stand out Album Name: Seeking for Forgivness  AUGU$T 10 Songs 1.  Drivin' Rhythm- Intro 2. First Cash 3. Sampling Life 4. Cold Blooded  5. Climax- Interlude 6. Teen Madness  7. Man of Justice 8.  Early Dreams 9. Stairway to 10. The Story of