Skill Task Evaluation

 Album Cover Evaluation

I chose to do my album cover as a 90's gangster rap album cover inspired by MF DOOM's Album.  Operation : Doomsday. 

The Target Audience was Rebel Teenagers 14 - 18 years old who likes to skate.

I wanted to do MF DOOM's Album Cover because it was unique and different, And as a MF DOOM fan, The album linked to his Genre of rap.

Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For my album cover, i researched what every rap album cover has in common and i found that most of the albums have:

  • The Artist as the main picture
  • They use dark grimy colours to fit the genre
  • Specific Fonts - For example : Old school gangster rap would use a graffiti font to fit the genre
  • The Layout would have name of the album in the top middle, have the artist in the middle covering 80% of the album and the artist name.  
Q2. How does your media products represent particular social group? 

For my Album cover i used the similar fonts and colour palette to fit the specific social group which was Teenagers.

I used a graffiti font to fit the old school gangster rap, copying the similar idea as MF DOOM, i Cartooned myself to look like a comics book, However, having no experience with programmes to help me make it easier for me i could not finish my album the way i wanted it to look.

Q3. Looking back at your skill task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from research to the final product?

After finishing my project looking back i found that:
  • I wasted all my time on the album cover its self - i tired to make mine overcomplicated and make it stand out but in the end i should of went with a simple design or even maybe do a different Album Cover from MF DOOM like Madvilliany which has a simple design and really makes the album cover stand out.
  • Focus on things i can do first and leave the things i cant do later - Looking back, i could of done all of the social media posts and website First leaving the complicated thing last.  
