
Front cover music magazine Task



Close-up of a leaf         An attempt on Path Lines



Continuity Editing

 L/o: to understand, use and explore film making & editing conventions effectively. Establishing shot: Establishing shot is the first shot of a scene that gives an overview of the setting. It is usually an arial shot and it helps the audience identify the location and the scene clearly. Eyeline Match: Eye Line match is an editing technique when the actor looks while in the scene. The next shot is what the actor was looking at, this indicates to the audience what the actor is looking at and helps understand the scene more. cross cutting:   Cross cutting is an editing technique of switching back and forth between scenes, often used to show different actions in the scenes occurring at the moment.  Match on Action:  Match on action is an editing technique where the editor cuts from one shot to another view that matches the first shot. this is used to emphasise the first shot and have the same scene but from different angles. 180 Degree Rule: 180 Degree rule is a filmmaking technique, h

Shoot-out Evaluation

 L/O: TO reflect and evaluate skills development  Explain the task you were given and what you need to consider, Explain your specific role and input? Our task was to make our own version of a generic cowboy shoot-out scene using conventions and telling a good story and edit it. For my Shoot-out edit, i was the actor who was playing as a cowboy. I had to have good acting skills which is something i didn't have, we also, didn't have any experience with a filming camera so it was hard to recreate a specific scene we had in mind.  Explain which conventions you attempted to use and whether they were successful? For my conventions, i wanted to use a range of different camera angle shots as well as not breaking the 180 degree rule. At the end, i used the range of different camera angle shots however i broke the 180 degree rule. For the generic cowboy shoot scene, i used most of the angle angle shots however it wasn't as good as the generic one. How does your media product convey

Media Scene Analysis

  Back to the future Scene: The very first DeLorean Time Travel Scene. Link : Screenshots: Scene 1: First scene starts with hip level double shot of Marty and Dr Emmett getting ready to send the dog to the future. The double shot could indicate that these two are have a conversation about something important as we the viewer look up to them (from the use of low angle shot) and could indicate that they are important, about to make history. The scene has transition of both Marty and Emmett and the remote control showing importance in both the two characters and the remote controller. Scene 2: Second scene has continuous transition between the DeLorean and the dog showing us that the importance in the scene is the car and the dog. The use of ground level on the wheel could build tension as the car starts to accelerate as well as other camera angles like the high angle shot to show the background more.The medium and normal close up shot of the dog shows a deta