Shoot-out Evaluation

 L/O: TO reflect and evaluate skills development 

Explain the task you were given and what you need to consider, Explain your specific role and input?

Our task was to make our own version of a generic cowboy shoot-out scene using conventions and telling a good story and edit it. For my Shoot-out edit, i was the actor who was playing as a cowboy. I had to have good acting skills which is something i didn't have, we also, didn't have any experience with a filming camera so it was hard to recreate a specific scene we had in mind. 

Explain which conventions you attempted to use and whether they were successful?

For my conventions, i wanted to use a range of different camera angle shots as well as not breaking the 180 degree rule. At the end, i used the range of different camera angle shots however i broke the 180 degree rule. For the generic cowboy shoot scene, i used most of the angle angle shots however it wasn't as good as the generic one.

How does your media product convey a clear narrative ?

My final product i told a story however, i could improve it with better and more camera angle shots to express the narrative more having a good flowing story without breaking any rules and sticking to the generic shoot-out scene.

What did you do successfully and what would you need to improve/ consider if redoing the task?

At the end of my media product, i used a good range of different angles shots (low, over the shoulder etc), my edit had good transitions, music choice and slow motion, however, i overdid the slow motion making the edit look unrealistic and jumpy and I also broke the 180 degree rule several times.
